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آراء المرضى

نعمل جاهدين لتحقيق أعلى معدلات الرضا والنجاح لدى جميع مرضانا

أهم الأسئلة الشائعة

Varicocele is the dilation of the veins in the scrotum, forming a network of veins around the testicles.

Blood congestion occurs in the testicular region, affecting the health of sperm in terms of count, motility, and morphology. Varicocele is categorized into three stages:

  1. The first stage is often discovered incidentally, as the patient may not complain of any symptoms. It may be detected during necessary tests for addressing fertility issues, and diagnosis is confirmed through ultrasound.

  2. The second stage involves a larger number of dilated and engorged veins, which can be palpated by the doctor during a clinical examination.

  3. The third stage is the most critical, where engorged veins are visible to the naked eye and significantly impact fertility. This stage is associated with a substantial delay in conception.


There are many cases of individuals with varicoceles who have successfully conceived, as the severity of varicoceles varies, as mentioned earlier. Yes, it does impact fertility, and perhaps this is the sole factor causing delayed conception. However, the higher the degree of varicoceles, the greater the likelihood of delayed conception.

A urologist and fertility specialist examine the penis to assess the level of tactile sensation. If there is a lack of sensitivity, it may indicate nerve-related issues. In the case of Peyronie’s disease, such abnormalities may also be observed during the examination. Hormonal changes are detected through a body examination, assessing the condition of the breast tissue, checking for excessive hair growth in specific areas. Furthermore, blood circulation is examined by measuring blood pressure, checking heart rate, and assessing pulses in the hands and feet.

A penile implant surgery is a procedure designed to address erectile dysfunction and has achieved high rates of success according to global statistics. Widely practiced and straightforward, this surgery may not require overnight hospital stay for the patient. In use for nearly four decades, the implant allows the penis to maintain a sustained erection for as long as desired, in a full and natural state. Importantly, it does not impact the general appearance, sensation, or pleasure of the organ. Simply put, the penile implant consists of two cylinders that provide a strong rigidity. These erection-supporting implants are placed inside the cavernous bodies, and as a result, they are not noticeable externally after implantation. They are situated within the cavernous body, covered by the skin and tissues of the penis. It’s worth noting that the surgery does not replace natural tissues but rather adds significant rigidity when needed.”

Intractable male infertility is defined as a condition where there is a complete absence of sperm due to total or partial atrophy of the testicles. This leads to the inability of couples to achieve pregnancy. It also indicates the failure of various treatment methods and their inability to achieve the desired results.

Male infertility is classified as intractable based on the following:

  1. Non-obstructive Azoospermia: In this condition, the man is unable to produce sperm due to an issue in the testicles. It is treated with microscopic surgery, where sperm is extracted from the testicle by making a small incision in the scrotal sac. High-precision microscopy is used to locate and collect sperm from the testicles.

  2. Obstructive Azoospermia: Here, the testicles do not produce a sufficient amount of seminal fluid, despite the presence of healthy sperm. This condition is common in men who have undergone a vasectomy. Treatment involves identifying the cause and addressing it.

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