There are some reasons that lead to a child’s injury to nocturnal urinary incontinence or vesicoureteral reflux disease, and the most important of them are:
– Organic causes of urinary incontinence, such as overactive bladder and congenital malformations in the nervous system, or diseases of the urinary and reproductive system.
Nocturnal urinary incontinence has other causes, such as a lack of self-confidence in these children because they feel inferior to other children because they do not control their bladder like others.
For vesicoureteral reflux disease, it is caused by bacterial urinary infections due to congenital anomalies.
Nocturnal urinary incontinence in children
It is a symptom of involuntary urination during sleep and affects those over the age of five. It is also called mono symptomatic incontinence, meaning bed-wetting during sleep at night, and the main causes of nocturnal urinary incontinence in these children are the hyperactive bladder due to its smallness or due to a lack of production the pituitary gland of the antidiuretic hormone in the brain.
Vesicoureteral reflux in children
it is most prevalent by 60% due to bacterial urinary infections due to a congenital defect in which the child is born, which is a defect in the mechanism of closing the ureteral port in the bladder and the inability of this part in the ureter to be closed during the bladder fullness leading to the incidence of repeated progressive bacterial infections in the bladder. Bladder, renal pelvis and kidney.